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New Pictures of the Strikingly Bizarre, No.2 新二刻拍案惊奇二号
Edition of 20 
14-colour, staining, stencil, woodcut, lithograph, screenprint on STPI handmade white cotton paper, printed from 4 stencils, 31 woodblocks, 1 aluminium litho plates and 3 screens. 14色蜡版、木版、铝版、丝网,印制于新加坡泰勒版画研究院手工制作棉纸上,共使用4块蜡版,31块木版,1块铝版以及3块丝网。纸张由造纸大师理查德-汉格福特制作,助手高登-科尔,版画制作技术指导岩崎玉江、小川荣太郎。 朱伟签名。
127.0 X 101.6 cm (50 X 40 in.)

Collected by Hong Kong Museum of Art, Hong Kong