- Asia’s Investment Magazine
Wei’s Diary
It’s not
often that we see contemporary Beijing-based artists described as
‘investment grade’ but this is just the accolade attributed to the
work of Zhu Wei.
as a leading contemporary Chinese artist, Zhu Wei’s art is his diary
of experiences and perspectives on modern society. Combining modern
symbolism and classical anecdotes, Zhu Wei captures moments of triumph
and trauma within China’s modern history.
half an hour of Zhu Wei’s sculptures appearing at New York’s
International Asian Art Fair, they attracted the attention of two
Guggenheim Museum trustees. Such types are more accustomed to collecting
Chinese archeological figures (like Han Dynasty tomb figurines or Tang
dynasty horses) and Western contemporary art (like Jackson Pollock,
Jasper Johns, and Andy Warhol), but in Zhu Wei they saw a rare
connecting theme. As director of Plum Blossoms Stephen McGuinness
explains, “[Zhu Wei] plays around with archeological themes, but his
work is very contemporary. [The trustees] snapped it up.” This has an
obvious impact on Zhu Wei’s marketability but if you are tempted,
McGuinness warns that there is no such thing as a no-risk investment.
“I could probably sell Zhu Wei’s work in a couple of days,
particularly if it was a special piece. The way things are going, a 1995
vintage Zhu Wei may cost US$50,000 or US$100,000 ten years down the
line. But, who knows? Maybe it’s going to be worth nothing.”