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The Admonitions of the Instructress to the Court Ladies (partial) 《女史箴图》宋摹本

Gu Kaizhi (about 345-406 A.D.) 原作顾恺之(约345-406)

Ink and color on silk 绢本设色    

24.8 x 348.2 cm

This painting is collected by the British Museum in London. None of Gu's works survive, however, we can still feel the verve in this copy. When comparing “Three standouts in six dynasties”, an famous ancient art curator said, "Zhang (Sengyao) captured the flesh, Lu (Tanwei) the bones and Gu (Kaizhi) the spirit,". Here is a copy of Zhang's painting, you can compare them to see whether the curator's judgement is correct. 此作目前由伦敦大英博物馆收藏。顾恺之无作品存世,此摹本可作为其画风的参考。张怀鲳在《画断》中评论三杰画的人物,认为张僧繇得其肉,陆探微得其骨,顾恺之得其神。可点击此处观看张僧繇作品 ,试比较《画断》之论。