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Technique Modes of Chinese Painting


Meticulous Brushwork

Is also called “Fine Brush”, requires drawing with fine lines, adds washes of ink and color layer by layer, so as to approach the perfection of exquisiteness and fine art. It is the opposite of “Free Sketch”, is a kind of neat and elaborate meticulous technique. Examples are the Song Dynasty’s court academy paintings, Figure paintings by Qiu Ying from the Ming Dynasty, and flower, bird, and beast paintings by Shen Quan in the Qing Dynasty.

Beside the Girls No.6, Zhu Wei


Free Sketch

Is commonly known as “Rough Brush”, opposite to “Meticulous”, is a kind of curt technique. It requires putting the emphasis on portraying the mien and verve of the subjects with concise and recapitulative brush strokes. Artists Liang Kai and Fa Chang in the Southern Song Dynasty, Chen Chun and Xu Wei in the Ming Dynasty, and Zhu Da from the Qing Dynasty were all masters of this technique.

Immortal in Splashed Ink, Liang Kai




工笔 顾名思义,工笔就是笔法工整细致的水墨画,也称为细笔。工笔的出现比写意要早,隋唐以前的绘画更以工笔为主流。


写意 与工笔相对,写意不重形似,但求传神,以纵放简练的手法写情记意,如南宋梁楷的《泼墨仙人图》就是典型的写意作品。

